Evil Has Won

It can be difficult to comprehend, much less accept, the idea that humanity's goodness has lost its battle in this world. Yet, the signs are all around us. We live in a society where manipulation is deeply ingrained, and many unknowingly walk paths designed for them by unseen hands. We are living in a time much like the dystopian reality imagined by George Orwell—controlled, observed, and guided by forces beyond our understanding. For years now, perhaps since the creation of institutions like the United Nations and the League of Nations, the battle against the forces of darkness was lost. And in that loss, those in power have quietly thrived, constructing systems that keep us busy, distracted, and bound within what is often called "The Rat Race."

We work, we strive, and we play within their carefully orchestrated game. Our jobs, our earnings, and even the goals we set for ourselves have been shaped by unseen influences—those seated in rooms we will never enter. The layers of control are so intricate that one could spend a lifetime peeling them back and still never reach the core. The realization of this can be overwhelming, even maddening.

Hollywood is another tool used to keep us from seeing the truth. Movies often paint a picture of the good triumphing over evil, the hero conquering the villain. But why is it that we rarely see stories where the villain wins, where the hero falls? Perhaps because we love the comfort of believing in justice and happy endings. Yet, in the world we live in, the heroes often struggle, and the villains, in their unrelenting ambition, rise to power. They know how to stir our emotions and influence our thoughts, programming us to feel satisfied with the stories they tell while subtly guiding us away from asking deeper questions.

Since 2020, many have started to wake up to this reality. However, there are still so many who remain lost—distracted by the constant noise of modern life. They are overwhelmed, exhausted, and discouraged, caught in the web that has been spun around them. By the time they realize the truth, they may already be 10, 20, or 40 years deep into their lives, living a reality they never truly chose. It’s a hard truth to face, but it’s one we must acknowledge.

Waking up spiritually is like zooming out—seeing the world from a broader perspective, understanding the interconnectedness of it all. It’s not easy. Many people resist this awakening because it challenges everything they know, everything they’ve been taught. How do we explain to our elders that the life they lived, the truths they held, were part of a game? It takes courage to question the status quo, and even more to change the course of your own life.

For those of us who manage to awaken, it can feel like a great divide opens up before us. The people in our lives may change, for better or worse, as we begin to see through the layers of illusion. But your goal is to stay true to yourself. Keep your heart and mind aligned, for it is only through this connection that you will find the people meant for you—the ones who share your light and purpose. God will guide you to them.

There’s a reason we love to watch heroes triumph in movies. It gives us hope and entertains us, much like the gladiatorial games in ancient Rome. But we’ve been conditioned to believe that real life cannot be like that—that these victories are meant only for the screen. We tell ourselves that the world is too complex, too harsh for good to truly win. How dare we even question it?

The truth is, the bad guys often win because they are willing to do whatever it takes. They will go to great lengths, even sacrificing their souls, to achieve their desires. They have woven their influence into every facet of our lives, molding the world to suit their needs. But awakening means seeing beyond this manipulation, recognizing it for what it is, and continuing to live with a heightened awareness—with your third eye wide open.

We must be curious. We must look deeper into the things we consume and the world we live in. With resilience and perspective, we can see through the darkness that surrounds us and begin to build small pockets of light, communities where love and truth thrive. The bad guys may be winning for now, but they have not won. As long as those who are good and conscious remain steadfast in their purpose, there is hope.

The key to our victory lies in understanding that we are not alone. We have God on our side, and He walks with us through every challenge. There is no need to fear life or death. God knows your path, and at the end of your life, only you and He will understand the full meaning of your journey. If you live with moral purpose and a clear heart, you will experience the peace and joy that comes from living in alignment with the divine.

Our story is not over. The war between good and evil continues, and it is not yet finished. Yes, it can be stressful, and yes, there will be times when you want to give up. But don’t lose heart. Those moments of renewed motivation, the bursts of inspiration, are signs that your soul is reconnecting with the divine, reminding you of your higher purpose.

The people who truly love you will reveal themselves to you. And the unseen forces of love that surround you are always present. Your task is to remain open, to live with faith, kindness, strength, and bravery. Do not allow the darkness to come near you. Evil takes, but if you stay aligned with God and continue to see life through a spiritual lens, you will find the beauty and patterns in your own existence.

Our lives are part of a larger play, a divine simulation. When you understand that God is always with you, you will begin to experience heaven on Earth. It is all about perception—how you choose to see your reality.


Rediscovering the Primordial Truth: The Balance of Polarity
