Rediscovering the Primordial Truth: The Balance of Polarity

For as long as humanity has walked this earth, we’ve sought meaning, truth, and connection with the divine. Across cultures and time, spiritual teachings may seem different on the surface—varied symbols, rituals, and gods—but if we look closer, we can see a shared thread running through all of them. This shared truth, a universal code, is something I believe we once all followed together. Over time, as humans spread across the world and grew apart, this truth fragmented, leaving behind pieces for us to find.

The essence of this truth is polarity—light and dark, good and evil, creation and destruction. It’s a "this or that," a constant dance between opposing forces, and it exists in every atom of the universe. The very structure of existence is built on this balance. It’s reflected in everything from the yin and yang of Taoism to the rise of Kundalini through the chakras, to the stability of the Djed pillar in ancient Kemet.

But polarity isn’t just in the spiritual world—it’s within us. Each of us carries the potential for both light and darkness. We’re given the gift of free will to navigate this balance, to choose which side to lean toward. I see this as the true divine code: we are all endowed with the ability to choose, and those choices ripple through every part of our lives, like the turning of a cosmic wheel.

At times, I’ve felt it deeply—a connection to something greater, an understanding that the choices we make shape our path. I’ve cried and danced through moments of revelation, as if meeting with God in my own way, piecing together fragments of a forgotten truth. These moments remind me that the divine isn’t something we chase, but something already within us, waiting to be rediscovered.

I believe there was a time when humanity knew this. Maybe we called it by different names, but we all understood this balance. Somewhere along the way, that unity was scattered, perhaps by choice, by greed, or by ignorance. My vision is that we can remember this lost truth—not by recreating the past but by integrating what we already know, by recognizing the balance in everything, in ourselves.

Every spiritual tradition has its way of describing the same process: the ascent of energy, the balance of opposites, the journey toward enlightenment. What we’ve forgotten is that these aren’t different paths, but different expressions of the same truth. The world may be divided now, but it doesn’t have to stay that way. If we recognize the polarity in all things and align ourselves with that divine balance, we may once again find the unity we once shared.

The goal isn’t to escape the cycle of light and dark, but to master it, to live in harmony with it. This balance, this "this or that," is the key to unlocking the universal truth. It’s within us all, waiting to be brought into the light. The divine code is already here—woven into the fabric of our lives, our choices, and our consciousness.

It’s time for us to remember.


Lessons from the Mountain and the River


Evil Has Won